
Meet the friendly staff at Sniffer Station!

Owners - Jeanne and Bill DeHaan

Owners Jeanne and Bill DeHaan

Bill & Jeanne De Haan have lived in the area for many years. They became very passionate and serious about dogs early in life. Before being married, the couple trained Labrador Retrievers for Field Trials and Hunting Tests during the week and traveled around the Midwest for competitions each weekend. Bill became an AKC Judge and for 15 years, has judged many events across seven states. They have also titled (AKC) multiple dogs.

Sniffer Station began as an idea to bring a fun and safe place for a dog to come and play at a competitive price. Our goal has been and always will be to have dogs come in excited and leave tired. We started with just a small number of employees and only two small indoor play yards. We didn't see more than ten dogs in a day. Today we have five huge play areas and have grown to meet all our customer's needs.  


                                  Taylor - Manager      

 Taylor From an early age, Taylor has loved working  with animals of all kinds. Growing up, she never once thought about having a career that didn't involve working with and around animals. After an enlightening internship with a trainer during high school, she was formally certified as a dog trainer through Animal Behavior College and taught obedience classes here at Sniffer Station for many years. She then graduated from Eastern Michigan University with a Bachelors in Business Administration and Entrepreneurship, and has been general manager since 2019.


Our Handler Staff

Our Handler Staff

                              We select our staff from energetic, friendly, and experienced people who                                                                      share our enthusiasm for animals. Most of our staff have either worked for daycares                                                                 in the past or have experience with dogs in one way or another whether they were                                                                         trainers or groomers. One thing they all share is a love for every dog that walks
through our door. Rain, snow, wind, or shine, they keep those tails wagging! Our staff is required to take and be up to 
date, and certified in CPR and first aid for animals.

  • Bill & Jeanne De Haan

    Bill & Jeanne De Haan have lived in the area for many years. They became very passionate and serious about dogs early in life. Before being married, the couple trained Labrador Retrievers for Field Trials and Hunting Tests during the week and traveled around the Midwest for competitions each weekend. Bill became an AKC Judge and for 15 years, has judged many events across seven states. They have also titled (AKC) multiple dogs.

  • Taylor
    Trainer/Assistant Manager

    From an early age, Taylor has loved working with animals of all kinds. Growing up, she never once thought about having a career that didn't involve working with and around animals. After an enlightening internship with a trainer during high school, she decided that teaching was where her passions lie. 

  • Ashley

    Ashley has been in love with all things four-legged for a long time now. She's worked at multiple dog facilities in the area and even volunteered at an animal rescue in Detroit. She has been taught by various grooms and is very passionate about making sure every dog walks away with that million dollar haircut (but without the price tag, of course). 

  • Our Handler Staff

    We select our staff from energetic, friendly, and experienced people who share our enthusiasm for animals. Most of our staff have either worked for daycares in the past or have experience with dogs in one way or another whether they were trainers or groomers. One thing they all share is a love for every dog that walks through our door. Rain, snow, wind, or shine, they keep those tails wagging!

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Office Hours

Our Regular Schedule

Sniffer Station


7:00 am-7:00 pm


7:00 am-7:00 pm


7:00 am-7:00 pm


7:00 am-7:00 pm


7:00 am-7:00 pm


9:00 am-1:00 pm

2:00 pm-7:00 pm


Pickup and Drop Off Only

4:30 pm-6:00 pm